Hello! My name is Anastasia, I am a narrative game designer at SuperCity.
The Christmas expedition “Holiday-Clock Mystery” will shortly become available in the game. Surprise surprise! The magic Holiday Clock ensures that the holidays in SuperCity always arrive on time. But as we near the end of the year, instead of adorning the Christmas tree, the citizens are busy making Valentine postcards and painting eggs! No way! To ensure the New Year arrives on schedule, you are to accompany Samantha to the enigmatic Valley of Time and assist her in repairing the Holiday Clock.
[Ideas for Holiday Clock and its implementation in the game]
This was my first experience in writing texts for an expedition. I was assisted with the plot by my colleague Val. She came up with the idea, as well as the look of the buildings and location. Then, our talented artists set to work, and the concept took on a visually breathtaking form. It was as simple as filling myself with a mystical atmosphere and attempting to transmit it to you through the characters’ phrases and dialogues.
[Ideas for the location and the finished map]
Samantha is the expedition’s protagonist. This woman is quite knowledgeable about the Christmas celebrations, and she is both kind and very energetic. Samantha is a genuine leader who cares about people without using melodrama or flowery language, despite her seeming frailty. I tried to portray these traits in dialogues.
[Samantha, the main character of the expedition]
A timid little elf is the second main character of the expedition. He avoids Samantha at all costs and refuses to reveal what happened to the Holiday Clock. In my mind, Samantha and the little elf should have a bond more like that of a grandparent and grandchild.
[Elf, the main prankster of the expedition]
At the same time, the Valley of Time is the site of genuine, scientifically-backed magic! Unique Time-Transmitters are what gives Holiday Clock its power. These Transmitters measure the time in various locations across SuperCity and send it to the Clock. Unfortunately, the holidays are in peril because the Transmitters unexpectedly broke down. The Clock cannot display the precise time without Transmitters!
[The idea for the Time-Transmitter and its implementation in the game]
Plus, the people living in the Valley of Time will require a Clock Foundry to make sure the Holiday Clock always works. They intend to manufacture a quantity of watch springs for it.
[Clock foundry: inspiration and result]
Also, my colleague Val asked me to make a small reference to the book “Alice in Wonderland”. This was a great idea, and I made three such references. Can you locate them, I wonder?
Although challenging, writing the texts for “Holiday-Clock Mystery” was an enjoyable experience. I really hope that our players will find this expedition to be a delightful holiday present!
[The magic begins!]