This event is conceived in the style of the Christmas calendar and consists of 15 chain quests. Each step is yellow-timed. If you run out of time you can start that step over and you won’t lose any rewards.
The main prize for the event is a Decorated Christmas Tree (1,750 coins, 1-3 baubles every 16 hours; size 4×4 can be placed in the City Center and Snow Plateau).
There are on-the-way prizes after every 5 steps.
1st prize: 10 glass baubles, 5 marathon points;
2nd prize: 10 winter keys, 10 marathon points;
3rd prize: Decorated Christmas Tree, 15 marathon points!
There are 3 different chains, according to levels.
Chain quest for levels 60-109
Winter Fun I (24h)
Collect 26 Warm Jackets (Premium Cottage)
Collect 8 Sneakers (Upgraded Shoe Shop)
Collect 29 Maps of the Stars (Stationery Shop, Upgraded Stationery Shop)
Winter Fun II (24h)
Collect 17 Chainsaws (Ranch, Upgraded Ranch)
Collect 11 Screwdrivers (Upgraded Subway Station)
Collect 2 UV Lamps (Bowling Alley)
Winter Fun III (24h)
Collect 14 Scribe compasses (Country Cottage, Wooden House)
Collect 3 Engineers (University)
Collect 5 File with documents (City Hall)
Winter Fun IV (24h)
Collect 25 Stepladders (Convenience Store, Upgraded Convenience Store)
Collect 9 Reinforcements (Cargo Port)
Collect 6 Mechanics (College)
Winter Fun V (24h)
Collect 13 Raspberries (Wooden House)
Collect 28 Waffle Cone Ice cream (Upgraded Bungalow)
Collect 6 Mechanics (College)
Winter Fun VI (24h)
Collect 7 Trophies (organise tournaments at the Stadium, Tennis Court and Volleyball Court)
Collect 8 Stopwatches (Beach Shop)
Collect 11 Ropes (Textile factory, Upgraded Textile Factory)
Winter Fun VII (24h)
Collect 34 Bobble Hats (Family house)
Collect 24 Pairs of mittens (Textile Factory, Upgraded Textile Factory)
Ask friends for 9 Swans
Winter Fun VIII (24h)
Collect 28 Potions (Pub, Upgraded Pub)
Collect 7 Cushions (Wooden house)
Collect 13 First-Aid Kits (Drug store)
Winter Fun IX (24h)
Collect 4 Metal Beams (Cargo Port)
Collect 6 Mechanics (College)
Collect 12 Slides (Cinema)
Winter Fun X (24h)
Collect 32 Chestnuts (Bakery, Upgraded Bakery)
Collect 7 Drops of Amber (Jewelry Shop)
Collect 18 Air Balloons (from friends cities – buildings with a clock or coin)
Winter Fun XI (24h)
Collect 2 UV lamps (Bowling Alley)
Collect 4 Magnifying Glasses (Dental Surgery)
Collect 24 Night Vision (Subway Station, Upgraded Subway Station, Central Station, Eastern Station)
Winter Fun XII (24h)
Collect 24 Peacock Feathers (Stationery Shop, Upgraded Stationery Shop)
Collect 8 Cufflinks (Jewelry shop)
Collect 7 Crystal Balls (House with a pond)
Winter Fun XIII (24h)
Collect 26 Microphones (Pub, Upgraded Pub)
Collect 3 Hot Chocolate (Samantha’s Cafe)
Collect 6 Violins (Luxury Apartment)
Winter Fun XIV (24h)
Collect 8 Bowls of Soup (Family Restaurant)
Collect 4 Tuna Fish (Sushi bar)
Collect 3 Latte (Upgraded Coffee House)
Winter Fun XV (24h)
Collect 9 Wooden Beams (Cargo Port)
Collect 29 Stepladders (Convenience Store, Upgraded Convenience Store)
Ask friends for 8 Neon lamps
Click here: Chain quest for levels 15-59
Click here: Chain quest for level 110 and above
2 thoughts on “SuperCity New Chain Quest: Winter Fun! (Levels 60-109)”