Hi, I’m Alex! And today I will tell you more about how a helicopter is useful on the Islands.
Here the helicopter is absolutely indispensable. With it, you will be able to bring ingredients for cooking in local restaurants, as well as materials and tools necessary for the development of the Islands.
How does the helicopter work?
By clicking on the helicopter, you will see three tasks. As soon as you complete one of them, it will be replaced by the next one. There will be five tasks in total.
If you can manage to complete all five tasks and meet the allotted time, the helicopter flight will be as successful as possible and you will receive spices for dishes or materials for clearing the territory on the Islands.
What resources can be obtained from a helicopter after completing 5 tasks?
Himalayan Salt
Chili Pepper
Vanilla Extract
Tools for removing obstacles on new expansions:
(they need to be removed to make the land buildable)
Hand Push Lawnmower
Materials for building and upgrading buildings of the Islands:
Marble Slab
Resource for growing vegetables in the beds of the Islands:
Some of the listed items will not appear in the helicopter right away, but when you need them in recipes.
After the helicopter has returned from a flight, the pilot needs rest, and the machine needs maintenance. So you will need to wait a bit until the next launch.