❓Galina Pnevskaya writes: Your artists are really good, I always love the new buildings, and the expeditions are very beautiful! How many artists are there in your team?
✨Hello, it’s me again – Elena, Supercity’s art director! We are delighted to hear that you enjoy the visual aspect of the game! We do our best to make Supercity beautiful 🙂
✨By game industry standards, we have a relatively small team. 7 concept artists🎨 develop designs for buildings and decorations, as well as expedition and location maps. Our team also includes 6 3D-artists🏡 who turn concepts into the actual objects that you see in the game. By the way, it’s 3D-artists who animate our models, making them more dynamic.
We also have an illustrator🖼 – just one, but his professional level is so impressive that he manages to create preloaders, character images for dialogues, and pictures for our social media posts all alone.
I would also like to mention our UI-artists📌- a team of 3 people designing all of the game’s interface. The visual side of all windows, banners and mini-games is their work.
✨When I think of the variety of activities in the game compared to how small our team is, I realize how incredibly lucky I am to work with each one of these people. If not for their exception professionalism, we wouldn’t be able to do so many cool things so well.