This is the day that John thinks of his Grandpa Henry. What would his Grandpa say if he saw his grandson all grown up? Surely, he would immediately notice the ranger uniform: “So, you care about nature, as you dreamed? I am proud of you, my boy!” He loved the forest and all living creatures like no one else, so it’s no surprise that his Grandpa would be thrilled for his grandson. It was him who once took six-year-old John on his first hike and taught him how to make a fire.
A heavy sigh escapes John. It’s a shame he can’t show his Grandpa what he’s become, tell him about his job, introduce him to Sophie. His Grandpa may be gone, but he hasn’t vanished without a trace. His legacy lives on in the Golden Forest Nature Park, which reminds visitors of the wonders of nature and continues to delight those who visit.
Everything about Golden Forest Park brings back fond memories of John’s Grandpa, so he likes going there. As a child, John witnessed firsthand how Grandpa Henry planned and constructed the Steps Campsite. “There’s nothing better than being outdoors,” he told his grandson. John agreed with his Grandpa after spending the night in the brand-new campsite.
Additionally, Grandpa established a designated area where he imparted the forest’s wisdom to scouts and his grandson. John picked up skills like tent pitching, animal track reading, and woodland navigation here.
And the Forest Museum that Grandpa had! It continues to attract tourists from all around the globe. This is due to the fact that it is unique among museums in being constructed within the trunk of a massive, ancient sequoia tree. And inside, Grandpa put together an exhibit dedicated to wildlife.
John is proud for having been able to help with the building process. Even though he was too little to do anything at nine years old, his Grandpa was more than glad to have him. They worked together to craft the animal sculptures out of wood that now adorn the museum’s entryway. John will be forever grateful to Grandpa Henry for the time and patience he spent teaching John the fundamentals of wood carving.
Yes, Grandpa is gone, but John still feels his love. He will have to visit the Golden Forest as soon as he and Sophie return from the coast. It’s a pity she doesn’t like outdoor recreation, but the Mayor will certainly want to see the beauty of the natural park!